Friday Forums are an opportunity to expand your perspective through dialogue and debate.
Participants who have attended have enthusiastically stated they have learned much from the interesting discussions and analysis that ensue. Topics relevant to current concerns of daily living are chosen to challenge, question, expand your views and perhaps change your perspective. Make time to wonder why we think the way we do, listen to different voices and ideas and reconsider certitudes. Friday Forums occur in a group setting where everyone’s ideas are listened to and valued, and where information is shared. The onslaught of misinformation from various media sources is questioned and myths of modern living are demystified. Reading material for these forums is emailed separately several days before the allocated date.
Pam: 0405 184 411
Jan: 0410 098 369
Anne: 8582 1954
Venue: Berri Library.
Topics (See Term Schedule): Click here.