Our objective, as with U3A worldwide, is to provide opportunities for anyone over the age of 50, and no longer in full-time employment, to meet and share in the pleasures of pursuing an interest in common. It may be Italian or Pottery, Photography or Astronomy, Bush walking or Bridge; there is no limit to what people might choose to share. Most activities are organised in small groups meeting in members’ homes or suitable local venues.
The good news is that the U3A does not concern itself with qualifications, examinations or testing. It simply means a place for all, a place where everyone with an interest in enjoyable lifelong learning can come together. Members share their skills and life experiences: Learners teach and teachers learn, and there is no distinction between them.
The other good news is that for a modest membership fee U3A activities and courses are free! So check out our Activities page to see what is currently on offer. If you are interested in joining the U3A Riverland community and would like to learn or teach something that is not listed, please do not hesitate to let us know via the text box on our Contact Us page .
This video is sourced from the UK, but represents the principals and sentiments of the U3A movement worldwide including of course U3A Riverland
This 60 sec video ad, was made by a local U3A member.